¿What is a CRM?
5 benefits for your company

Discover how, through a CRM, you can close more sales, better track your prospects or leads, and achieve a more productive sales and marketing team.

¿What is a CRM?

Literally, we could define it as Customer Relationship Management, but what it implies and what you can do with a CRM goes far beyond this definition. Today, a CRM is a program or software that serves for all sales, marketing, and customer service teams to have customer information in one place to manage them better.

Imagine what you would do if you had detailed information about your customer? For example, what they do when they visit your website, what they are interested in, how many times they visit your website or a specific link, their particular preferences, how many purchases they have made, age, date of birth, how long it has been since their last purchase, average ticket size, etc. And all this information is in one place.

That’s what a CRM is all about. Whether you are a startup, an entrepreneur, or a business owner, with a CRM, you will be able to design strategies focused on understanding your customers to increase positive responses, anticipate lead movements, and increase customer loyalty.

With a CRM, both sales and marketing teams will have a powerful tool not only to keep a database but also to have valuable information and statistics about the performance of each area.

5 benefits of having a CRM in your company:

Increase your sales: The ability to track all potential sales in a personalized way allows for faster conversion. When customers receive personalized responses that meet their needs, they feel more satisfied and connected to the company.

Know your customers better: By organizing data, you can respond to customer desires and requirements, providing the sales department with specific information for personalized and timely follow-up. You will know how to communicate with a customer, what to say, and how to say it.

Do more in less time: With a CRM, the amount of unproductive and repetitive emails and calls to clients or colleagues requesting information is significantly reduced. Additionally, internal communication improves as you can see the progress and pending tasks with a client by accessing their record.

Make better decisions: By having a deeper understanding of what is happening with your customers, employees, and projects, you can make informed decisions based on real data.

Mobility: With all the information stored in the cloud, you can have teams working from anywhere in the world, integrated and eliminating the need for physical offices to serve your clients worldwide.

At this point, you can conclude that a CRM not only benefits the sales department in achieving their objectives but also helps managers track the performance of their entire team.

In the search for the best options for your company, it is important to have not only a website but also all the digital and technological tools that allow you to build a solid and sustainable foundation for your business. At Panela Web, we develop websites with tools to help you sell better, including CRM.

Track potential customers, close opportunities, and get accurate forecasts with Alinna Web.

Pablo Gomez

Pablo Gomez

Digital Marketing Specialist.

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